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10 Essential Tips for New HGV and Lorry Drivers

10 Essential Tips for New HGV and Lorry Drivers

10 Essential Tips for New HGV and Lorry Drivers

If you're a new HGV or lorry driver, it's important to be prepared for the challenges and responsibilities that come with the job. Here are 10 tips to help you get started:

  1. Know the rules of the road: Familiarize yourself with the local laws, regulations, and guidelines for driving heavy goods vehicles.
  2. Plan your route: Take the time to plan your route and consider factors such as traffic, road conditions, and delivery times.
  3. Check your vehicle before setting off: Make sure to inspect your vehicle and check its condition before every trip. This includes checking brakes, tires, lights, and other essential components.
  4. Get plenty of rest: As a lorry driver, you'll be behind the wheel for long hours, so make sure to get plenty of rest before and during your journey.
  5. Manage your speed: Remember that you're driving a large, heavy vehicle, so you'll need to allow plenty of time to slow down and stop.
  6. Use your mirrors: Make sure to use your mirrors regularly and be aware of what's happening around you at all times.
  7. Avoid distractions: Distracted driving can be extremely dangerous, so avoid using your phone or other electronic devices while driving.
  8. Stay alert: Keep your mind and body alert by taking regular breaks and staying hydrated.
  9. Know your limits: Don't push yourself too hard and take breaks when you need them.
  10. Keep your vehicle well-maintained: Regular maintenance is essential for keeping your vehicle in good condition and reducing the risk of breakdowns.

By following these tips, you'll be well on your way to becoming a safe and effective HGV or lorry driver. Good luck!

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